Acer Sansom Books Comments Page

Please use this page to leave a comment on the Acer Sansom books, or read some from readers who have enjoyed them.

181 thoughts on “Acer Sansom Books Comments Page

  1. Thanks to Judy for immediately letting us know a new book was available.obviously ordered it at once and will start it tomorrow. Wish there was some way for Oliver to let us know—What a great writer..—-best always —Erling

    • Erling
      Good to hear from you, sir. I’ve made a note to contact you directly the next time I release a book. Thanks for your support in downloading the latest and for your kind words for my writing. I hope you enjoy it.
      Best wishes for 2015.

    • Hello Oliver
      I have just finished book 2 of Acer a damn good read in the past week I have read the latest Booker and Cash the plots are getting better.
      I have thoroughly enjoyed all of your books so far keep up the good work trouble is most of us can read quicker than you can write.
      Best regards Mick Barnes

      • Hi Mick, Many thanks for your comment. Good to know that Acer #2 provided some reading entertainment. Thanks too for your support for B&C.
        I’m working full-time on a property project at the moment so writing is taking a back seat. I hope to be back at my desk in the near future.
        Best wishes.

  2. just finished your book bad boys……im a 3book a time 2 book a week reader so you can imagine my delight in finding a new author my main reading is in none fiction war stories but i find none fiction a relief and enjoyment i thought i was out of none fiction writers so happy to find you so happy you have books i havent read yet two authors you remind me of are ruth rendell and cj box like graham greene masters of narrative without obvious action i am a commercial artist and am well aware of the rule to make something from nothing is the sign of genius look very much to reading your other books i take it you are still teaching for money when you give it up i would be interested where you would stay whilst writing your first full time proffesional book strange how some people stay in the most boring places to create the most exciting books or music

    • Hi
      Many thanks for your time and trouble to leave such an encouraging message. much appreciated, as are your downloads of my books. It’s always good to learn that they are being read and enjoyed.
      Still teaching but there is a light at the end of that tunnel. Sadly, not book-success related but it should give me an opportunity to spend more time with my writing.
      Best wishes and thanks again.

  3. just to say how much I loved all your books, particulary Acer, couldn’t put them down 🙂 thankyou for many pleasurable hours

    • Anne,
      Many thanks for getting in touch and for your kind words. It’s always good to learn that someone’s enjoying the books.
      I’ve left Acer alone for too long. I am promising myself that I’ll be starting Acer #4 before the year is out.
      Best wishes.

      • Great news about Acer—Let me know when I can advance order—Please hurry I am now 91—-Erling

        Sent from my iPad


      • Hi Erling,
        Good to hear from you! I will happily let you know when the book is available. And I’m still chuffed to bits that I have a reader in his nineties and going strong.
        Good health and best wishes, sir.

  4. Just finished Smoke & Mirrors, another brilliantly written thriller, thank you.
    I do hope there will be more to follow. Can’t wait to get the short story bundle.
    I like the way you manage to keep both tension and interest while the story develops, but most of all how you manage to make the unlikely and improbable perfectly feasible! Well done!

    • Hello David
      Many thanks for getting in touch to let me know you’re enjoying the Acer novels. It’s always good to hear from a satisfied reader.
      I particularly appreciate your comment about making the unlikely and improbable feasible. That really struck a chord with me. I know it’s far-fatched stuff at times but that’s the nature of the genre. When I’m writing scenes the questions I ask myself more often than any other are, could this happen? no matter how unlikely, is it possible? And I like to think that I can always answer yes. It’s good to read that you feel the same.
      Acer #4 Deep State should be out fairly soon. I’ll keep the blog updated with news.
      Thanks again and best wishes.

  5. I have just finished book 3 of the Acer Sansom series. I am now hoping there will be more. Acer is a likable, honorable hero and I have read the three books in 2 days while dreading coming to the end. Please continue this series, we have to get his daughter back! Congratulations, well done. (I have also read the Romney and Marsh series and found them interesting, enjoyable and realistic. Thanks again..Joyce Rivera

    • Hi Joyce
      Many thanks for your great comment. I really enjoyed reading about how you see Acer – I think he’s honourabe, too. And you read them in 2 days! That’s a great advertisement for the books. 🙂
      Acer #4 is written and with my proofreader. I’m going to try to get it available within a month or two. You will be able to learn more about its release date if you look in on the blog from time to time where I will update news when i have it.
      Thanks again and thanks for your support of my writing through your downloads of my books.
      Best wishes.

  6. Oliver – I’ve just finished Loose Ends (Acer Sansom #2)… LOVED IT!
    Why am I so behind with reading your books? It’s because I self-limit my reading of your out-put as I live in fear (well, anxiety anyway) of not having one to read. If I catch up with what you have written, what would I do then?
    If I’m not mistaken, your writing just gets better with each book – the story, the characters, the pace, the tension, the outcome, the setting up for a follow-on book… all brilliant.
    I don’t know if you’d make any money from this but have you considered getting your books into the many electronic UK libraries. It would presumably increase your readership.

    • Hello Jim
      Many thanks for taking the time and trouble to leave such a very encouraging comment. Much appreciated. It’s always good to hear from readers who are enjoying some of my output. And thanks for your very kinds words for my writing.
      I’m trying to make writing and self-publishing pay. It’s early days yet. I haven’t looked at library lending of ebooks but perhaps I should. I’ll try anything to avoid working for a living.
      Best wishes.

  7. I have just finished reading “Loose Ends” and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Great story, beautifully written with an ending giving the reader a taste of things to come.

    Oliver, I greatly admire your dedication and perseverance in the pursuit of your writer’s dream and wish you every success in the world – you certainly deserve it.

    Best wishes,


    • Hi Simon
      Sincere thanks for your time and trouble to get in touch with such a positive message. Much appreciated. Good to know that you enjoyed Loose Ends. I enjoy writing Acer. I hope he has a few more adventures in him.
      Thank you for your good wishes for my chosen path. Time will tell if it leads somewhere nice, or if I stumble off a cliff in the dark.
      Best wishes.

  8. Hi Oliver,
    I’ve just finished ‘Dirty Business’. I wasn’t sure if I would enjoy it as much as R&M or B&C as I rarely like exotic settings (Few less exotic than Dover or the Marsh ;-).) and the ex-army hero was a bit off-putting.
    How wrong could I be? Great Characters, an exciting plot and a touch of romance made it un-put-downable. There were a few unexpected twists that kept the tension going and a finale that made me want to read more so, I’m on the way to Amazon to buy ‘Loose Ends’ after I’ve had a look at Istanbul on Google Earth.
    Thanks for all the great entertainment,

    • Evening Mike,
      That’s really good to know. Thank you for taking the time and trouble to share here and for your support in trying another of my series. So glad you enjoyed it. I think that Loose Ends is the best of the three. I look forward to learning what you think.
      Best wishes.

      • Loose Ends was excellent, so many twists and unexpected turns. A little sad in places but loved the old lady – I know someone like that. As always, great characters with excitement and tension all the way and your signature lighter moments.
        Smoke and Mirrors downloaded and White Knuckle Christmas on pre-order.
        Thanks again,

      • Great to know, Mike. Thanks. I got some complaints for the loss of ‘someone’. 🙂 The old lady – I only had Dame Judy Dench in mind when I wrote her part. I hope you like Smoke & Mirrors. It’s certainly my most… well I’ll wait to pass comment until you’ve read it. And thanks for your orders of my books. It’s all much appreciated.
        Best wishes.

  9. Thanks Oliver another great book in the Acer Ransom Series. Along with the Romney & Marsh Series. I find it very hard to put these books down. They make the time I’m waiting for my lorry to be loaded fly by.
    Thanks for a Brilliant read.

    • Keith,
      Many thanks for your great message. It’s much appreciated, as is your support of my writing. Good to know that you’re enjoying the reads and that they can be a distraction from the mundanity of the daily grind.
      Best wishes.

  10. After getting distracted by a very interesting set of books about interfacing to video devices (nowhere near as enjoyable as your books) I eventually got to read Acer Sansom 1. Firstly can I say there is definitely a style to your writing which makes your stories easily accessible and always a page turner (ok button clicker in the kindle world).

    I was initially unsure if I would enjoy the Sansom books having enjoyed R&M and Booker and Cash so much. The difference being there were no reference points for me to associate with and draw me into the story. I am pleased to say I was wrong. As with all your other stories you manage to build interesting characters that even with their flaws you can’t help but like and want to know how their story develops. Loved the twist at the end and I’ve had to immediately download book 2 to continue with my “fix”

    Many authors find it difficult to create a set of characters and a world that can sustain a set of stories over many books. On the evidence of Sansom 1 it appears you have managed to do this a third time.

    Thank you for teh enjoyment you have given me over the last year reading your stories.

    • Hi Mark,
      Good to hear from you, as always, and with such positive feedback for Acer #1. Many thanks for giving this series a try. Naturally I’m really pleased that You liked book 1 enough to go onto book two.
      Acer 1 is actually the first book I wrote, so Acer has special sentimental appeal for me. I was new to Istanbul and had recently holidayed in Bodrum – write about what you know, they say. The geography was about the extent of my knowledge. As for the rest, pure escapism.
      I would also like to thank you for your kind words for my writing. It’s always good and encouraging to read that I’m doing something right.
      Do let me know how book two goes for you.
      Best wishes

  11. Love it, love it, love it. Can’t wait to download the last Acer Sansom. Hope there will be more after that. Love Romney and Marsh as well. Can’t get enough of Oliver Tidy. Thank you. C.

  12. Just finished reading Dirty Business and really enjoyed it, Now want to read the second book but can’t find it, is it available to download on KOBO? thanks for your time 😀

    • Thank you, Tania. Good to know. Unfortunately, the other three books in the series are locked into an Amazon exclusivity programme and so I don’t have them available elsewhere. I realise that’s my loss for follow up sales from book one. Sorry.
      Best wishes.

  13. just finished reading ‘dirty business’ and really enjoyed this book, it keeps you on the edge of your seats from the firts page to the last, and what a twist at the end. going to get the next one this week. thank you for making my evenings complete

    • Hi Josie,
      Many thanks for your time and trouble to let me know you enjoyed Dirty Business. It’s always good to hear from a satisfied reader.
      I hope book two works as well for you.
      Best wishes.

  14. I have just finished reading the four Acer novels. They were outstanding. Once I started each one I couldn’t put it down. I have now started to download some of your other novels and am looking forward to reading them.

    • Paul,
      Many thanks for getting in touch to let me know. Much appreciated. Glad you enjoyed them and very happy to learn you’re encouraged to try something else of mine. There is one more Acer story out there – it’s a short story and ties someting up. It’s in my small book of short stories called Three Short Blasts 99p from Amazon.
      Best wishes and thanks again.

  15. I’ve just finished Dirty Business and finished with a sharply inhaled breath, a get the hell out… Pearl?! & a visit to Amazon for the next in the series. Fantastic plot, wonderfully developed characters, a really enjoyable read. I love your cliffhanger, it worked as intended!! I’m also glad I visited your page as I didn’t know you had written other series or much about you. Kudos on all the hard work and effort you put in, this reader appreciates it very much.

    • Hi Hayley,
      Many thanks for getting in touch to let me know you enjoyed DB enough to go onto the next. Much appreciated, as are you kind words. It’s always good to learn the books are being read.
      Your comment caught me at my desk grappling with another storyline and it put a smile on my face. I hope Loose Ends doesn’t disappoint.
      Best wishes.

  16. So after a broken Kindle and getting bogged down with yet more technical text books I have blasted through the final 3 Acer books, every one of them a gripping read and loved the subject matter of Deep State, very contemporary and the description pf Aleppo (hope this isn’t a spoiler) is great after all I’m assuming you haven’t visited.

    It was about half way through Acer 3 that it eventually dawned on me why I enjoy your writing so much and have happily lapped up everything you have written so far. Your writing style across all 3 series is much the same and is best described as waves on a beach during an incoming tide. You build pace to a small peak and then slow things down and repeat this until you reach the final peak that ends the story. It’s a style that has always hooked me Colin Forbes (who I seem to always compare you to) was a master at this and Flemmings early Bond novels employed the same style.

    Now for an interesting view on the Acer stories, unlike Tom and Joy or David and Jo who all have flaws but you can’t help but like them I really don’t like Acer. It’s strange the stories are great and I care about what happens to the supporting cast but whereas with Tom I could imagine spending time looking back on the better old day, or having a pint with Dave in the Ocean saying how the ‘new’ sea wall ruined the beach front or debating the merits of Catcher in The Rye I would go out of my way to avoid Acer. However saying that a dislike of the Character doesn’t distract from enjoyment of the story or the way it is built and grows, which as always you do excellently.

    • Hi Mark,
      Good to hear from you. And great to learn that you finished the Acer series and enjoyed the reads. Your very kind words for my writing and your ongoing interest in and support of it are also sincerely appreciated.
      I’m interested in your feedback about Acer the character. I do get what you say about him. I must confess that I have not particularly warmed to him as I have my other characters. He lacks something in the humour department and he just might be the least interesting of any of them on a personal level. Maybe it’s his driven nature and his ‘troubles’ that weigh so heavily on him that make him a more remote person. (Can you tell I’m clutching at straws here?) Anyway, don’t blame me – these books and the characters find their own ways. I am merely an instrument in their creation. (???)
      I hope you’ll give Cold Kills a try and let me know what you think.
      Best wishes and thanks again.

  17. Just finished Dirty Business and really enjoyed it but I cannot find your other books anywhere else but Kindle. I have a Kobo and would love to be able to read the rest

    • Hi there,
      Thanks for your comment. I’m glad you enjoyed the read. I’m sorry but for the time being the other Acer books are locked into an Amazon exclusivity deal. I am aiming to make them more widely available.
      Best wishes

  18. Nicely done . Just finished the second book and thoroughly enjoyed it. Fast paced and believable. I’ll be reading the rest soon.
    Keep up the good work. As an expat living in Canada it’s great to read books about places I know.

    • Hi Robin,
      Many thanks for your comment. Great to know you’re enjoying Acer’s adventures. Acer actually gets out to Cananda for a short stay in book #4.
      I hope you continue to enjoy the series.
      Best wishes.

  19. Hi Oliver,
    I really don’t know what to say. I’m stuck for words. I have just started the 4th Acer book after reading the 1st three. I cannot praise them enough.They are absolutely brilliant. When I was in my teens and early twenties I read every Allistair McLean and Hammond Innes books that were available, and more recently the Lee Child novels. In my opinion the Acer series surpass even all of them. I think Acer Samsom is more human and realistic than Jack Reacher. I like the fact that they are all stories in their own right but actually follow on from one another. These are the type of books that you just cannot put down. Great plots and thrilling unexpected twists. Do you plan any more Acer books?.When I am finished this one I plan to read your other novels.
    Keep up the good work Oliver.


    Donald Stewart

    • Hi Donald,
      Many thanks for taking the time and trouble to get in touch regarding the Acer Sansom books. It’s much appreciated.
      Your thoughts for the series fairly made my day today. As I was reading I felt increasingly proud of those stories. It was great to see him compared to such illustrious company. Thank you for that. I’ve always enjoyed writing Acer. I think that he’s essentially a good man.
      I’ve read a few McLean and Innes books and enjoyed the stories and the writing. The Mary Deare is one of Innes’s that I particularly remember. Another writer who I see in that ilk is Desmond Bagley. Good yarns, well told.
      More recently I’ve also read a few Reacher novels. I didn’t like the first much but they got better and better in my opinion. I do sometimes wonder if perhaps Jack should have retired by now, like Acer.
      I rather feel that Acer’s journey has been concluded. I haven’t ruled out resurrecting him for further adventures but I think that for now he’s earned his rest. There is one more story involving him that perhaps you haven’t read yet. It’s a short story in my book Three Short Blasts. You can download it from Amazon or sign up to my newsletter on this site and go on to download it for free. Chronologically, the Acer short story comes after book four, Deep State. So maybe something for you to look forward to.
      If and when you try any of my other books, please let me know what you think.
      Thanks again for your contact.
      Best wishes

  20. Hi Oliver I have just put this feed back on Amazon
    5.0 out of 5 starsYou must read this book
    ByThe Possumon 22 December 2017
    Format: Kindle Edition
    Just finished Deep State. I found it to be a thrilling edge of the seat story with all the twists and turns that only Oliver Tidy can dream up. I have read the other three books in the Acer Samson series and can honestly say they are all one of, if not the best thrillers I have ever read. I have read this type of book from Hammond Innes and Alistair Mclean up to Lee Childs, and Oliver is up there with the best.
    I am looking forward to reading the Romney Marsh series and hope they are as good.Would love to read another Acer book.
    Keep up the good work Oliver and Merry Xmas
    Donald Stewart

  21. I’ve just finished reading my first of your books on my Kobo eReader. It is the Acer Sansom novel, Dirty Business.
    I would like to follow on with this series but it would appear that they are only available in Amazon. Am I missing something and the books can be downloaded from other suppliers in ePub format?
    Thanks for a good read. Best wioshes

    • Hi Alan, Thanks for your comment. Good to know that you enjoyed the first Acer enough to want to continue his story. I’m sorry that the other books are currently only available through Amazon because of an exclusivity arrangement. If that should change and they become more widely available, I will gladly let you know.
      Best wishes

  22. I have just finished reading all four of your Acer series and enjoyed them very much indeed. Thank you for the pleasure they gave.
    There were however two plot decisions your characters made which were little spoilers for me personally.
    Firstly in Smoke & Mirrors, after all their horrendous experiences, having been offered safe passage by US Navy, they decided to forgo the ultimate protection and get back on an unprotected cargo ship!! Secondly in Deep State the decision made to use the safe deposit box in the family bank! Neither credible to me!
    Whereas I realise these decisions facilitated the flow of your plot, I found it a little unbelievable that this amazing character Acer could condone such stupidity and the reasons put forward to justify them weak.
    This is the first time I have ever directly contacted an author with any form of criticism, good or bad, which can only mean that these books made a sufficient enough impression on me to bother, as I am an avid reader! So that probably says a lot. Thanks again and keep up the good work.

    • Hi Penny,
      Many thanks for your time and trouble to feed back to me on your Acer experience. It’s always good to hear from readers with their thoughts. I’ve learned a lot from readers’ opinions.
      I fully appreciate that those situations you cite above may not have cast Acer in the best light. All I can say in ‘his’ defence is that they seemed like a good idea at the time. (Where have I heard that before?)
      I take it as a great compliment that you have contacted me when it is not something you have done before. Thank you. And thank you for your good wishes for my future writing.
      Best wishes

  23. Oliver, only just discovered you thru Dirty Business which I purchased thru Kobo Books. Am hooked and now want to get Loose Ends but unfortunately Kobo do not have any more of the Acer Sanson books. I don’t use a Kindle and can only find Loose Ends thru Amazon and not sure it will be compatible with my e-reader. Can you make any suggestions?? All my books need to be in e-pub form. Regards

    • Hi Ffiona,
      Thanks for your comment. I’m very pleased to learn that the first Acer gave you reading pleasure. I’m also sorry to have to let you know that the other Acer books are only available through Amazon and the Kindle programme. Currently it’s a contractual thing. Should that change I will endeavour to let you know.
      Best wishes

  24. Hi Oliver, found you on Amazon and I must tell you my wife and I find your books fantastic. We have both read the Romney Marsh & Booker and Cash novels and thoroughly enjoyed them as we know the areas quite having grownup, worked and lived in Kent for many years. Are you going to write anymore stories about these 4 characters hopefully the answer is yes. Now on Acer Sansome stories wow talk about action makes James Bond look like a pussycat. These stories would make great t.v series hope someone reads them who can organise this. Keep up the good writing and hope to see Booker & Cash or. Romney and Marsh either in new books or on t.v. Regards Pat McCann

    • Hi Pat, Sincere thanks for your time and trouble to leave such a positive comment here. Much appreciated.
      It’s always good to know that the books are being read and enjoyed, and the pleasure for me is compounded when readers are encouraged from one series to another.
      I’m not currently writing – life away from the desk is taking all my time and energy, but I hope to get back to it sooner rather than later. Haven’t decided yet if there will be any more of the regulars or if I’ll be treading a different path. See where the muse takes me when it knocks at my door.
      Many thanks again for your support and kind words of encouragement.
      Best wishes to you and your wife.

      • Hi Oliver thanks for your reply. Sorry to hear that you are not writing at moment but look forward to your next work. With regard to Romney & Marsh and Booker & Cash how about they get together on a case Romney gets on well with Booker and when case is solved he retires from police force and joins Booker as they both like books and run the bookshop together with Marsh & Cash helping out in running coffee shop perhaps marriage is in the air (conventional of course)?

      • Hi Pat,
        Happy to say that I am back writing all of a sudden. Time and opportunity has presented, and I’m having a bash at something I’ve been thinking about for a while.
        I really like your idea for development and amalgamation of characters in my existing series. It could be funny. It could be bloody. It could certainly be interesting. A conventional marriage though? That might be a step too far. My mum would never speak to me again. She’s warned me against letting any of them get involved with each other. And I can’t risk upsetting her – she still does my ironing!
        Best wishes

  25. I have just finished Dirty business and I am a little late to the table I am sure, having worked my way through the Romney and Marsh Books first with huge enjoyment. I also suggested them to my wife and she is now happily working her way through the series. I enjoyed Dirty Business as well and will move on to the next book soon. Just one comment and I am sure that I am not the first to make it but did I read in Dirty Business that when Acer Samson was rescued from the Island and first got back to the UK his rescue ship docked at Tilbury but he crawled up the bank of the Medway. Still, who cares really.

    • Hi Robert,
      Apologies for the tardiness of my reply. Many thanks for your time and trouble to leave a comment. Much appreciated, as is your support of my writing. Good to know that you’ve enjoyed the reads enough to recommend to your wife.
      I welcome comments and corrections on the books. I thought that by now I’d have seen them all. Not so. I’m amazed that it hasn’t been mentioned before. Thanks for pointing it out. It’s gone on my to-do list.
      Best wishes

  26. Hi
    Any reason why Deep State appears to be unavailable to download please.
    Have enjoyed reading the first three in series and was looking forward to the fourth.
    Has it been withdrawn?
    Best wishes

    • Hi Andy,
      Thanks for your message. It’s great to know that Acer is still being read and enjoyed.
      It just so happens that I’m in what I hope is the final stages of reclaiming the publishing rights to Deep State. All being well, any day now it should be available for purchase and download from Amazon as part of my self-published output and at half the price the Amazon imprint who’d taken it on were asking for it.
      Best wishes.

  27. Hello Oliver
    I am so glad I asked my brother what he was reading and he mentioned your Acer Sansom novels, I probably wouldn’t have found you otherwise. I have so enjoyed this Series, and have just finished Smoke and Mirrors which was brilliantly written and kept me on the edge of my seat. I am about to buy the final book in the series, and hopefully after subscribing for your free book I may move on to other books you have written. Keep up the good work, love your style of writing, quick and to the point, hate it when so many pages taken up by describing every little detail and item in/of a room the characters have walked into if you know what I mean.
    All the best
    Mary GK

    • Hi Mary,
      Many thanks for your positive and encouraging feedback. It is much appreciated.
      I know exactly what you mean about the ‘describing every detail’ style of writing. I was very conscious of wanting to avoid that with the Acer books and I’m so pleased to read that I succeeded for you.
      I hope you enjoy the last Acer and that I was able to authorise the link to Three Short Blasts for you. If you don’t have access to that, please let me know and I’ll try again. I like the Acer short story in the compilation and I’d like you to read it.
      All the best and thanks again for getting in touch.

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